North East Trading Co has gained vast amounts of experience in buying / selling surplus equipment over a period of 26 years, we are in a position to offer a service to deal with most types of surplus marine and offshore equipment worldwide. When you contact us to dispose of surplus equipment, we are able to use our expertise to decide if materials offered if we should purchase for our own stock or decide on the appropriate method of marketing the materials in order to optimize the return to the client, we can recover stored and idle assets efficiently. Let us start the process by over viewing the equipment and material and make an appraisal of the market value with a view to purchase it.
Because of the downturn in the offshore markets its even more important than ever that companies look at their unused assets and paying in some cases large amounts to store these assets, so please contact us to see if we can move on your surplus equipment and make substantial savings on storage charges etc.
New Ex Stock and New Manufacture
Surplus certified New/Cancelled project
Surplus certified Unused
Surplus Used with original certification and documentation
Refurbished and Retested/Recertified Materials and Equipment
Alex Clark M.D.
Suppliers of new / rebuilt Cat Marine Engines
We will, in some cases "trade in" your existing Cat engine
The list of vessels shown below with cat engines are just some of the vessels that we have supplied to the fishing fleet over the past few seasons in the north east alone. 95% of these are rebuilds which will give you an idea of how well these engines have been received by the fleet, this is due to the quality, reliability and excellent service that we offer.